Kamis, 19 Mei 2011


Nowadays, only some students that concern in mathematics education. That’s why, we, mathematics department students, have to be happy and proud of ourselves. However, we cannot be careless because of what we can get today. We need to empower our ability and make certain that we are in the right track. Furthermore, with all competencies and facilities that we have, and also support from all beloved guys, it is impossible if we cannot achieve our goal. In the other words, we can say that we have to manage ourselves to be able to make use our competencies, facilities, and support to achieve our goal or vision. We have to keep struggling by not being blind and empty. We cannot be blind, it means that we have to know our mission. While we cannot be empty, it means that we have to fulfill our mission.
As a student of mathematics education department, I am supposed to be a teacher in the future. That is why, my achievement is being a successful teacher. To be a successful mathematics teacher is not easy. I have to see my strength and also my weakness. I need to understand both the inside and outside of me, just through that way I can recognize myself completely. I also have to make a transformation, from younger people to an adult people, especially in the way of thinking. We have to know that life can be defined as characteristic. The characteristic of adult people is they always do something based on their understanding or their self awareness, they cannot be influenced by anyone else. So, to be an adult people I have to transform my past paradigm into my new one. I have to be more independent and not always depend on teacher or lecture.
Besides that, to be a successful teacher, I have to understand that students are supposed to complete the teacher. Teacher is not always right. That’s why, we, teacher and students, need to complete each other. Teacher not only teaches in front of the class but can also use some kinds of education video to tell the students about mathematics. That’s why, I have to be able to master technology or IT.
There are some problems of mathematics education. One of them is difference in the way of thinking between younger students to older students. As a candidate of teacher, I have to recognize it. I need to differentiate the teaching method for younger student and older student. I have to understand when I have to teach about mathematics in physic form, scheme form, model form and formal form.
Another important thing is I have to recognize that there is a big difference between study math and teach math. As what I told before, that both teacher and student have to complete each other, it means that the right word is study math or learning math. Not only student who study, but teacher needs study math too. As a candidate of teacher, I need to make sure myself that we study is about improve our paradigm. So I have to study as long as I live.
The last is, to be a successful teacher, I have to prepare myself to be a professional teacher. I have to prepare everything I need to teach, especially lesson plane and student worksheet. Good preparation is one way to be success . . . ^^

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